Helping Hands For Ukraine

help support Ukraine in its time of need.


Help send much needed aid to Ukrainian orphans and kids who lost a parent due to the Russian invasion.


Help send much needed medical & surgical supplies that will help save the lives of wounded Ukrainian civilians and service members.


Help us stand in solidarity with Ukraine as we build a community right here in Detroit, MI that enables a better future for all Ukrainians.

Ukrainian Army

We supply defenders of Ukraine with clothes, footwear and non-military continence goods to make their fight for freedom and democracy easier and more comfortable

Standing For Ukraine.

Our current efforts focus entirely on providing urgent supplies to the people of Ukraine. 100% of funds and supplies raised are sent directly to Ukraine and provide necessary assistance to people currently displaced, wounded, or in active combat due to the Russian invasion. We have minimal operating expenses and completely rely on volunteers. Our non-profit is looking for businesses, like you, to join the fundraising efforts to make a bigger impact in providing much needed aid directly to Ukraine. Glory To Ukraine!