About us.

Our Purpose, Getting Involved

VP of Helping Hands for Ukraine Olga Yakimenko was recognized for her unwavering support of Ukraine and tremendous help that she provided to the defenders of freedom . She was awarded a medal Khrest Nezalamonsti (Unbreakable Cross) at the volunteers’ appreciation dinner December 22, 2023.


Our Purpose

There are three things required to win any war: motivation, military capability, and soldiers’ physical comfort.  

First is moral motivation, and Ukrainians have it. People who defend their families, are ready to fight until the last breath and give their lives for the tiny piece of land which is their home.

Second is military capability, which means ammunition and weapons. It’s hard to beat the enemy who is better armed.  Thanks to the United States and its Western allies, the Ukrainian army is able to successfully fight and win battles. This military help cannot be overestimated, more powerful weapons ensure faster victory with less casualties. We are immensely grateful for the help Ukraine is getting from the governments all around the world.

The third component is a soldier's physical comfort. It's impossible to fight well if you are cold, sick, or hungry. Our organization along with other volunteers is focusing efforts to help those on the front lines to fulfill their basic human needs.   Helping Hands for Ukraine helps as many soldiers as possible to ensure their physical well-being. We support Ukraine by sending warm underwear, shoes, foot and hand warmers, emergency medical equipment and medicines. Thanks to your donations we were able to pay for repairs of medical vehicles, we also sent hundreds of sets of warm underwear, winter clothes, and many pairs of winter boots.  This help does not only provide much needed support to people who risk their lives to fight for survival of democracy in Ukraine, but also sends a message that the whole world is standing behind Ukraine in this fight.

At the same time, while the fighting is going on, there are millions of people, women, children, elderly who suffer because of destroyed power plants, electric lines, heating, and water supply.  The most difficult is for kids who lost their parents, who live in orphanages. We have been helping several orphanages across Ukraine with repairs and kids clothing. We are sending warm clothes and winter boots to three orphanages in Ukraine and providing funds to repair school and residential buildings damaged by shelling, rocket attacks, and heating outages.

During this holiday season, please consider donating to Helping hands for Ukraine. Know that our organization is using all the proceeds to support Ukrainian people, one person at a time.


Glory to Ukraine!


Getting Involved

We welcome and encourage local organizations to partner with us on fundraising efforts to raise funds and supplies for the people of Ukraine. Organizations can help in the following ways:

  • Host a fundraising event at the organization’s venue

  • Host a donation and/or collection box for supplies to send to Ukraine

  • Donate supplies for distribution to Ukraine (refer to attached list of priority items)

  • Donate supplies to assist Helping Hands for Ukraine in fundraising efforts (food, raffle items, gift certificates, etc.)

  • Provide services to assist in fundraising efforts

  • Spread awareness utilizing your organization’s communication channels such as flyers, social media, email, television, etc.


Getting to Ukraine

All monetary donations will be utilized to purchase supplies from the priority items list. Purchased and donated supplies will be shipped to Ukraine (via air transport to Poland and ground transport to Ukraine). In Ukraine, the supplies will be distributed to the people in need through local, established foundations. Helping Hands for Ukraine will communicate updates of the impact of the fundraising efforts on our Facebook page.


Stand with Ukraine today.